Friday, January 17, 2014

Terahertz radiation ... how wykazay naukowcw study, among other things, of the Massachusetts Instit

ufo1987 Editor Postw: 304 Tematw: 77 Pe The man Stories: 10
DHS will fund the installations deutsche post porto capable track populations available throughout the city on streets in downtown Seattle pojawiy a strange, new box wykorzystujce August Wi-Fi, KTRE can record 1000 last location of a person korzystajcz the MAC address of the phone. Department of Safety deutsche post porto INTERNAL, who pays for August is 2.7 million dollars, odmwi answer questions codes for special deutsche post porto horrendous violations of privacy, KTRE can lead to permanent ego tracking total amount of the weekly miasta.Raport population of Seattle - The Stranger, shows how the boxes, which are Connects to supw, that contain vertical antenna can track komrkowe phones, even if they are not podczone into the Wi-Fi network. Aruba-based company, which he has become supply box to the Seattle Police Department - brags up in the literature on this, that these cases can track the "hostile" or "niepowizane" device, other Bring your phone komrkowy owls, even if the word does not consent to receive telephone links with Wi-Fi networks. These types of antennas are the 100% installed in Warsaw. deutsche post porto User's manual for one of the last software Aruba says: "wireless network has mnstwo information of related and not of related equipment." This software includes a "motor location, who calculates default deutsche post porto powizane and niepowizane locations of devices every 30 seconds ... the history of the last 1000 sites is stored for each MAC address."
Report nt systemw NSA tracking of citizens: BY new, from 2012, artykuu New York Times August Separate sensors installed in at least 70 largest U.S. cities called deutsche post porto ShotSpotter, allegedly Majka to inform weight of strzaach with a firearm, ALSO has a recording capacity rozmwz street for help mikrofonw ...
Of course not otherwise Orwell'owski world at every step ...
The degree of surveillance of citizens achieve in recent years, Especially deutsche post porto in the U.S. so advanced, more and more improbable less surprising, but the actual projects Increases the degree of control spoecznej. The latest deutsche post porto "fad" of wrd zwolennikw even bigger interference privacy, and even strengthen their limit freedom, it ciaa scanners, KTRE is going to introduce the New York police, but just waiting when the idea I'll try transplanted to the streets of European cities, local "the deutsche post porto spec" and "safety". Officially, the function scanners is to detect znajdujcej up under clothing firearms or explosives adunkw, deutsche post porto with just as little as 25 meters. However Apart from the obvious interference with privacy, the controversy deutsche post porto it generates also a matter of szkodliwoci to human health. Overexposure Terahertz radiation scanners generujcych as wykazay naukowcw research, among other things, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, can damage human DNA. LINK.
Yeah, good luck. People are going to allow it. Let me know how someone actually rebel and put, because remember that trying to control it are the same representatives of the genre, and he ... However, with a little wider and more complex vision of the future and themselves, than work, sex, food, television and the Internet.
Orwell'owski world at every step ... Gosh, people, you always want to push this cold everywhere, nieuczuciowy, simple world. Communism - okay, actually deutsche post porto through the prism of time where you remember only the system, but that man is only human and can not be the end of the limit in all spheres of his life - could bring. There are several other books, which represented world is closer to contemporary events and treatments (which, incidentally, ignores a lot of the conspirators, because focusing on the brutal, Orwellian system) deutsche post porto ... I do not know, even "Brave New World" Huxley ... This can rely on primitive such crap (especially if you know who this disposes), but TU is pretty nicely set up.
Staniq deutsche post porto Editor Postw 1617 Tematw 176 Pe The man Stories: 7
Terahertz radiation ... how wykazay naukowcw study, among other things, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, can damage human DNA. Okay, first is colored by. It's probably about tetrahertzowe from Hertz. The second problem, that these studies. How to write the right thing "can", but do not have to. It's like cigarettes, because I know personally a certain lady fingers deutsche post porto off 75 years (today is 96, ie not come into a little after 20 stce) and as zdrwko her SUY, cho is not without significance is the fact that all of

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