Saturday, February 15, 2014

Saturday morning we leave Villarreal postapay to be at breakfast time in Walnut. Gave cold and snow

A year and like every November since 2000 Mountaineering Center Villarreal returns to crush the Sierra de Albarracin. Despite the years that we have been making trips here are always new routes and places to visit in Sierra seems that we never finish. But this year the route was different, postapay the snow has given a special touch. Every year we look for whether snowy march overlapping snow but only in 2005, rising to Caimodorro, we found the highest parts of white snow. But now we have had snow and it has not stopped snowing all weekend.
Saturday morning we leave Villarreal postapay to be at breakfast time in Walnut. Gave cold and snow forecasts. When we arrived there was snow Walnut pawn cold was already there so we present the breakfast bar. The planned route was up to the Lake of the ravine Cerritón Tejeda, following a route marked by the region down to find the picnic of the Rock Castle for an old road, and after visiting the Rock that is crossed marojal extends its feet over the ravine to Agudas Pena River Gorge. Then just to follow the river to Tramacastilla. How long was the route to adventure as there were many sections that could happen if you did not know. At the bar we asked for the fall following the river and we were told that since las Saleras Tramacastilla was easy qeu touch us bathe your feet to move. After joining forces with breakfast we leave through the village and take the trail that goes up the Barranco del Pradillo. Leaving Walnut. The ravine at the exit of the town is quite DeForest, but after reaching Forcall the start of Tejeda postapay entered the pine forest. Cross the thread postapay of water pour down the ravine where dashes totaling all sides, partially frozen, and climb the trail riding for over a moderate slope. We have not done a hundred meters or gully that starts snowing and as we climb up the narrow gorge it loosens the snow, on the contrary. Start the ravine Tejeda and snow. Halfway we stop gully under some pines to take away clothes because despite snow and cold continuous rise has made us warm and even sweat, and it is a matter of cold sweat because sweat freezes as soon as we stop for a moment. Overcoming the Tejeda. Finally postapay reached the top of the ravine where open and forks in different barranquissos. Right here is the Fuente de los Maquis, stopping if someone wants to drink, but the only thing you do is photos. postapay Vicinity of Maquis fuente them. From here we leave the road and continue straight on barrancusset buoys that moves behind the source. Find a path back to the left under the pine trees and the next. We are now under a mature pine trees without undergrowth that protects us from the snow and where comfortably ahead. Going to Carrasco was. When we approached the head of the mature postapay pine trees give way to a younger pine trees and abundant undergrowth here and break the left connecting with a trail that goes up to where the marked route. Carrasco was on the track. postapay Following the trail we reached the col de las Salegas cross and following up a Llometa. To our left is the precipice of Agudas Peñas, where a lower court and itinerating official, we go straight to the Laguna del Cerritón postapay which is a plain above the munatenyes and surrounded by pine trees everywhere. Collado de las Salegas. It costs us enough to find it so wrong track that passes over and we have to go back looking for it among the pine but finally we reached the Laguna, a little pretentious name because it is a large shallow pond, and at the moment it is dry. Top of Cerritón postapay looking Laguna. We take pictures in front of the Laguna and stick around through it with a band looking an old road down to the picnic area of Castle Rock. Laguna del Cerritón (dry). Cross plan where the width between Laguna pine until we find a wide and low depression through which a rail. Track down. When the landscape changes and just try to find and follow the old path cliffs flees Pena Agudas borrocals and extending to his feet, though not sure that it has been correctly followed finally get down the step easy. Reduced no clear path. Pursuant down oaks begin to appear with yellow leaves still on the tree to give a different touch to the landscape. When lower pins were becoming scarcer and finally we are in an almost pure oak. Oak Agudas postapay Pena. In the end we found a way to turn right without losing altitude and continue parallel to the road Griegos, which leads directly to the recreation postapay area of Castle Rock, made the old square where stood of roadmen. Path to the oak. Although it is early in

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