The privatization of public services is one of the fundamental characteristics of the era of neoliberalism. In Europe, this process started when the government of Margaret Thatcher 1984th sold to British Telecom, and continued ups drop off locations over the next three decades, including a huge sale of public assets in sectors such as telecommunications, postal services, the supply of gas and electricity, water and garbage collection, public transportation and more recently social and health care. David Harvey is in the process coined the term "accumulation obezvlaštenjem". 2 According to an appropriate narrative, the crisis of post-war capitalism 70s of last century, which has overcome neoliberalism, was hyperaccumulating crisis. This means that the contemporary patterns of production and consumption are no longer able to provide increasing yield what they are looking for the owners of capital. Rather than invest ups drop off locations in new production facilities with uncertain expectations in terms of profit, the capitalists are increasingly focused on the transformation nekapitalističkih spheres of production, such as public services or public goods. There is excess increases the acquisition of state assets or property held in common rather than innovation and expansion of existing forms of production and reproduction, and changes can be described ups drop off locations as an accumulation obezvlaštenjem.
This process is reminiscent of the violent enclosure of common land and its transformation into private estates in England of the 18th and 19th centuries. Karl Marx (following ups drop off locations on Adam Smith) has described this process as the original or primitive accumulation, assuming that it is a specific feature of capitalist society emerging before you stacked all the key features of capitalism and exploitation ups drop off locations no longer requires the violent intervention, but occurs between "free" individuals who respect their contractual ups drop off locations obligations. As Harvey notes, "corporatization and privatization of hitherto public goods (such as universities), not to mention the wave of privatization of water supply and other utilities that flooded the world, constitute ups drop off locations a new wave of 'enclosure of commons'." Harvey 3 (citing Rosa Luxemburg) claims that violent forms of accumulation, such as fencing and forcing peasants from communal land were not limited to the early stage of capitalism, but remained its key feature throughout the centuries. However, they have different importance in different stages of capitalist development. The postwar decades were characterized by a massive expansion of what Marx called the expanded reproduction, which is based on the introduction of mass production and mass consumption (and as representatives of the theory of regulation called Fordism). When this system '70s fell into crisis, the prevailing pattern of accumulation moved from expanded reproduction in the accumulation obezvlaštenjem, where privatization has opened a "vast field that is hiperakumulirani capital could grab." 4
The financial ups drop off locations capital played a crucial role in stimulating the accumulation obezvlaštenjem. Another direction in the literature ups drop off locations also highlights the role of finance as a driver of privatization. In this narrative accumulation obezvlaštenjem is only one aspect of the new regime of accumulation which manage finances. 5 After Fordism 70s fell into crisis, the financial capital of the advanced capitalist countries has gained in importance in relation to the productive capital. Profit is no longer acquire the new and particularly innovative products or production methods, rather than investing in financial assets. This expansion is crucial accelerated redistribution of income from labor to capital, and the transition to a pension system based on equity. The result was a massive accumulation of financial wealth, which are managed by institutional investors looking for new and profitable opportunities to invest their clients' money. This growth has impeded ups drop off locations the creation of attractive returns that were needed ups drop off locations in order to keep customers. ups drop off locations "These difficulties have created a space for financial innovations and innovators, which had major repercussions on the momentum of privatization." 6 While institutional investors looking for new opportunities for investment, governments were deprived of cash, since they suffered ups drop off locations because of those same tax cuts that have enabled this incredible accumulation of private wealth, and seeking alternative sources to finance public services. The privatization of public services itself as the "perfect" solution to both problems. "As the first to open a new area for investment, the latter has eased the financial burden." 7
Although these views sheds light on key aspects of privatization, they do not explain fully the deeper reasons for the transformation of public services in the neo-liberal capitalism. This transformation in the past three decades is not concerned exclusively, and perhaps not even primarily to resolve the crisis caused by hyperaccumulating. Not all its aspects, from the abolition of the monopoly to establish the internal market and the introduction of new schemes financed
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