Sunday, August 3, 2014, 2003 - 2014 74 queries. 0.473 seconds.

No, not the Royal Mail |
Today in the classroom for the vote of confidence, the Prime Minister Enrico Letta announced an operation to pretend privatization (which in fact nobody calls and call in terms so obsolete) for the Italian Post Office, the new player on the wings of Italian finance decoction. Epper the road is not that.
"The next year in the second half of the disposal process, which does not involve controlling stakes, we will investigate with the company and the unions the opening of the capital of Posts and other companies and shareholding participation of workers, allowing them representation in corporate bodies "(Thomson Financial)
Apart from the usual "second time", which in this country continues to occur dozens of times each term, the translation should mean that Poste will be listed on the Italian classic 30% or so. And the company remains unsolved the usual knot of cross-subsidies between delivery activities nightfreight and Bancoposta / Poste Vita, we imagine. The whole conviction stating that privatization will not (and God forbid, in the era of the Franciscan solidarity against the exploitation of man by man), that the "fresh resources" will be useful for the development of private nightfreight enterprises, and that they will not disposals to raise cash. Amen.
Who knows, maybe in the boards of non-privatized Post Office will sit someone nightfreight who can plead in front of 75 million nightfreight Euros thrown in the blast furnace of lysergic synergies with Alitalia. What matters is the usual lip service to the legendary co-management "German", the one who always nightfreight makes the eyes sparkle of CISL and UIL. And in fact the reaction of the true dominus Poste Italian, Raffaele Bonanni, do not have to wait long, and has produced this statement rather inaccessible, at least on the linguistic level:
"I think it's a good thing, it is an instance that we have launched a long time. And 'our request to review elements of governance and participation nightfreight of workers control of businesses. And 'our request to give the shares to employees, which means selling some shares in the financial market nightfreight and this may be fine but if there is a balance against the actions of employees' nightfreight [sic] (Ansa)
Let's say that there is a real step forward, given that today controls the CISL Poste Italian "free" in what appears to be a classic Italian privatization process, and maybe tomorrow will to deal with the problems of insufficient profitability and demands for recapitalization. But do not let us go too far. The examples we have in front of others, nightfreight but they come from a country nightfreight too accustomed nightfreight to forms of capitalism rather brutal for us Italians. Better to fall back on the reassuring narrative shareholder of workers. Users-consumers can wait, and in any case we will not cash. Hoping at least not incinerate existing one.
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