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Line Interactive Technology pos laju Power Saving Features USB Interface and Serial Programmable outputs> See more product details
Delivery in the original packaging This item ships separately from other in your order. pos laju The item will be shipped in the manufacturer's original packaging so it is not possible to hide the contents. See product details for more information
APC Smart-UPS 1500VA C
Promotion valid until the end of the month! Buy 2 or more items and get a discount of 7 Euro for each item purchased. pos laju Details (Subject to terms and conditions) In the event that problems arise with a product or you feel you need more technical information, you can find here a contact list of service centers of the major brands to turn to. Click here to see the list
Brand APC Black Item Weight 19 lbs Product Dimensions 17.1 x 21.9 x 43.9 cm Batteries: 1 12V batteries needed. (Included) pos laju Item model number pos laju SMT1000I pos laju Number of USB 2.0 ports 1 Number of serial ports: 1 Voltage: pos laju 230 volts Wattage 670 watt Battery Type Sealed Lead Acid (VRLA)
4.8 out of 5 stars Amazon pos laju Bestsellers Rank n. 18,429 in Computer Science (See Top 100) Shipping Weight 23 Kg Shipping Restriction This item is available for export to selected countries outside the European Union. Available on since November 4, 2010
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Good but noisy Di Alessio June 17, 2012
Item received pos laju after about 15 days as indicated on the site (since it was not available for immediate sped). After about 7 days I had to have it replaced as the group made odd noises. The customer service at amazon is fabulous: they sent me a new apc within a few days (although I missed the first delivery because the carrier is not me brought him to the floor and I waited for 5 minutes) and after that I could ship at the expense their defective pos laju one. I come from a 1000 APC backups, which do not emmetteva no noise .. but this one is pretty annoying and I would recommend not to buy it to people like me who keeps him in the bedroom. There is a hum every 20 seconds and every now and then that noise + strong; the backups that I had before was silent. For the rest it is a very good team, new look, keep the PC turned on about an hour and a quarter with a consumption of about 120 watts (between my pc and monitor). I thought my computer consume much +, since it is equipped with a 750Watt power supply and is a pc gamer .. but even under stress pos laju have not been able to touch the screen included 300 watt. So it could easily hold 2 good pc .. You know the consumption every moment of your car and as well as there is the cost of energy; opportunity to stop your pc in case of lack of power, even if you are not present with the excellent software (which pos laju also alerts you via email of sudden electrical blackouts). In case you purchase it, I suggest you immediately conntattare assistance apc for them to send me the latest firmware that solves some problems (like screen that never turns off), and that you can only install if you have a serial port on your PC (or a portable); you are not to buy adapters as it did myself, why not work with this machine. Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Sending feedback ...
my best purchase! impossible to say otherwise, people sometimes try to save a few pennies underestimating the importance of certain products which instead can save you work, equipment and mental health pos laju ..:-) ... I had another ups, bought in the mall, with a theoretical power 1000
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