Sunday, March 15, 2015

The first two years of online advertising were actually quite confusing as it had almost every webs

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If a decade ago few people knew about the internet and it also could be used today in the developed world difficult to find a person who has not heard of the internet. Moreover, there are some countries where Internet users represent the majority of the population. According to Nielsen // NetRatings company has the highest penetration rate in Sweden, where the Internet is used 74% of the population, elsewhere the US with a little less than 70%, Slovenia with 41% far behind Germany (56%) and Austria (57% ) alkyl for example. ahead of Spain (33%) and Greece (34%). myposte None of the media from black and white television is not as fast penetration reached 50% of American households than just the Internet. Both internet and TV are needed for this achievement 8 years. Radio is needed 9 years 10 years VCR, personal computers 17 years, cable television 39 years, and the phone 70 years. Similarly quickly as it develops internet (both in terms of technology and in terms of the number of users) is also developing its byproduct - online advertising.
The period of rapid growth is an important step in the development of the Internet took place in 1993, was developed first graphical web browser (Mosaic), which has led to a text-based way to use the World Wide Web withdrew graphic, thereby websites get a brand new look and a new dimension myposte - they have become attractive to advertisers. The graphical browser is so laid the foundation for the birth of online advertising that actually happened a year later and by the autumn of 1994, when the company's website hotwired (Wired News today owned by Lycos) sold the first banner (angl. Banner) . Companies are first understand the concept of advertising on the Internet and in new media saw an opportunity for their business were among the first advertisers. Among the names of the first online advertisers are also arise names such as AT & T, MCI, Sprint, Volvo.
The first two years of online advertising were actually quite confusing as it had almost every website its dimensions advertising space and therefore had to advertisers with their own creative myposte solutions adapted to every web publisher myposte separately, which they lost a lot of valuable time and energy by unnecessarily while they inflated the cost of advertising campaigns. Of course, there has been a lot of water, so that web publishers and advertisers have come to the conclusion that it is necessary in the field of online advertising myposte as soon as something radically change.
So in December 1996 with a view to the consolidation of the online ad market size and uniformity of advertising space organization meeting times (Coalition for Advertising Supported Information) and IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) and accepted standards define the potential myposte size of the advertising space devoted to ads. By defining standard dimensions of online ads, which since then determines IAB / CASI standard (, thus laying myposte the foundation web advertising, which is the regulation of the situation experienced momentum. It is necessary to emphasize that the use of standard banner sizes are measured in pixels (pixel) according to the principle "width x height" is not mandatory but is recommended, since most online media offers advertising space, myposte taking into account myposte the above-mentioned standards. Among the most popular myposte were at that time the banner size 468 60, followed by banner size 233 30 and 120 60th
In the online market have established various models of the lease advertising space, depending on the supply and pricing policy of each web medium. Thus, advertisers can meet the leasing of advertising space at a fixed price for a fixed period, the leasing of the number of clicks on the banner (CPC - cost per click) or a fixed number of ad impressions (CNO - cost per view). Less frequently used model lease in relation to the effect which IAB addition to leasing ads based on the number of clicks also includes the lease terms of number of actions undertaken on the site of the advertisement (eg. Newsletter, purchase a product, user registration, completion of the survey).
Table 1: Percentage of individual forms of buying advertising space from 1998 to 2004 in% 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 combined model lease 54 52 45 42 34 20 17 number of impressions lease 40 41 43 45 45 43 42 leasing number myposte of actions undertaken 6 7 12 13 21 37 41
Among the models lease advertising space in the second half of the last decade was dominated by

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