"Mat Airways": 15 per cent lower prices of charter flights from September Citizens can expect 10 to 15 percent cheaper prices of charter flights from Skopje offered myus directly myus to destinations announced by the airline, "Mat Airways". "Mat Airways from September 15 to introduce regular charter flights to European cities from Skopje to fly to Switzerland, Germany, Italy. At the moment myus our plane has three to four charter flights a day, "said Zoran Mileski, president Mat Airways. Director General Kiril Kaevski said that currently plane Mat mostly fly from Belgrade since late received permission to fly from the CAA. "Kontiki Sky accelerated work program will be a European charter flights to all destinations remotest our plane, starting from September eighth myus packet flights myus Barcelona, Prague and Rome," said Dejan Veljanov, director of Kontiki myus Sky in Skopje. Sam Tiki Travel has 20 years experience in the Serbian market, taking over the former myus mat ...
Cheaper and regular charter myus flights announces the newly formed airline MAT Airways. From September 15 the company from Skopje will fly to Switzerland, Italy, Germany and other countries, and prices, according to management, will be 10 to 15% lower than current. In addition to these destinations, in cooperation with Kontiki Sky will introduce charter routes to Prague, Barcelona and other European cities. The company has ambitions to become a leader in the airline in the country. - Our plan is to be the best in the airline, slowly but surely to reach the top. Our priorities are reliability, safety and quality, key to gaining confidence among passengers, said company president myus Zoran Mileski. Weekend MAT Airways made the first flight from Belgrade to Ohrid this destination will be maintained until there is interest from travelers. Management again questioned the issue of national airline, about which opinions myus are divided. - In Macedonia needs a national myus airline and it is time to take that market. ...
Citizens from September can expect 10 to 15 percent myus cheaper prices of charter flights from Skopje offered directly to destinations announced by the airline, "Mat Airways". "Mat Airways from September 15 to introduce regular charter flights to European myus cities from Skopje to fly to Switzerland, Germany, Italy. At the moment myus our plane has three to four charter flights a day, "said Zoran Mileski, president Mat Airways. Director General Kiril Kaevski said that currently plane Mat mostly fly from Belgrade since late received permission to fly from the CAA. "Kontiki Sky accelerated work program will be a European charter flights myus to all destinations remotest our plane, starting from September eighth packet flights Barcelona, Prague and Rome," said Dejan Veljanov, director of Kontiki Sky in Skopje. PR Manager Danijela Pusara airline said this weekend the company of Serbian citizens has enabled packages with charter flight from ...
Citizens from September myus can expect 10 to 15 percent cheaper prices of charter flights from Skopje offered directly to destinations announced by the airline, "Mat Airways". myus "Mat myus Airways from September 15 to introduce regular charter flights to European cities from Skopje to fly to Switzerland, Germany, Italy. At the moment our plane has three to four charter flights a day, "said Zoran Mileski, president Mat Airways. Director General Kiril Kaevski said that currently plane Mat mostly fly from Belgrade since late received permission to fly from the CAA. "Kontiki Sky accelerated work program will be a European charter flights to all destinations remotest our plane, starting from September eighth packet flights Barcelona, Prague and Rome," said Dejan Veljanov, director of Kontiki Sky in Skopje. PR Manager Danijela Pusara airline said this weekend the company of Serbian citizens has enabled packages with charter flight from ...
Direct flights myus to European cities introduces September mat and in 15 percent lower prices this today announced the leadership of the newly formed company Metropolitan investment group (MIG), which is 100 percent Serbian capital. In cooperation with the travel agency "Kontiki Sky" mat of 8 September will start flights to Prague, Rome, Barcelona and n redvideni and flights to Ohrid depending on the interest of passengers. myus 15 September, ragjanite can directly Skopje to fly to Switzerland, Germany and Italy, the company does not exclude the possibility of becoming a regular airline, but it actually would have happened at least three years. The company currently owns one plane "Boeing" 737/500 myus bought last year at an auction in London.
From September 15 MAT Airways myus will introduce regular charter lines to European capitals. Citizens can directly myus fly from Skopje to Shvajcar
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