1918: Kirjatyö magazine, the author analyzes in detail how you will have the Linotype capitalist development, overwhelm small businesses and hamper the workers' struggle for their livelihood käymää.
In the early 1920s: Cuckoo Salmelainen factor applies for a license to travel to Helsinki oolien acquisition, since it is not sure whether postal reporter their choice by order. The Board shall adopt appropriate postal reporter for several years. Board finally shows that oolit are typesetting suorapiikkisiä punches.
1920-30 figures: Monotype be the most popular character types, the character models are cut Baskerville, Bell, Bembo, Centaur, Ehrhardt, Fournier, postal reporter Garamond, Gill Sans, Perpetua, Poliphilus and Times New Roman.
1920: Editor of Gustav Rafael Paasio (1903-80) will start its work in Helsinki kirjaltajan Varjoranta a printing postal reporter press. He relates käsinlatojien a member. Paasio acts as agent for circulation, Työläisnuorison journalist and Turku Päivälehti (former socialist) editor. Later, he was Member of Parliament, the Minister and the Prime Minister, as well as in various other positions.
1921: Foundries Turlot, Renault, Allainguillaume, Berthier & Durey and Huart in Paris align themselves with the foundry Fonderie Typographique Francaise - FTF. It sold in 1974 in Barcelona foundry FUNDICION tipografica postal reporter Neufville.
1923: Leningrad kirjakevalimon museum has the matrices Council of the peoples of those languages in which there was no literature before the Revolution. Matrices were used, among other things, the selection of the letters of the Kabardino-Circassian and karatshain-Balkar languages.
1923: In France, kirjakevalimot Deberny and G combines the foundry Fonderie Peignot Deberny & Peignot. Deberny returns Honoré de Balzac's poor business transactions depressant, postal reporter publisher, kirjakkeenvalajana and paper manufacturers. Gustave Peignot was founded by Peignotin 1875. The company produces AM Cassandre (Adolphe Jean-Marie Mouron) postal reporter (1901-68) typefaces from 1929. The company develops 1950 imagesetter Snow Type of Photon. The foundry closed in 1972 and continues kirjaketuotanto Haas'schen foundry.
1925: Swiss company Polygraphische Gesellschaft Typar-kirjoituslatomakone manufactures cellophane or paper proofs rotogravure and offsetreproduktiota for. Typographically enclosed text is transferred to the offset postal reporter plate. The machine is an improved model of Orotype.
1928: Teletype-rivilatomakone postal reporter Teletypesetter showcase in New York. The machine postal reporter will be built in Chicago Morkum-Klein Schmidt's laboratory. Former Monotype engineer Walter postal reporter Morey finishes it. The newspaper chain owner Frank E Gannet pay for the machine development. Only a few newspapers take it into service until the Second World War. Edinburgh The Scotsman in London to send news and pörssitaulukkonsa teletype text in Edinburgh. postal reporter
1930: Soviet Union will be taken to control the company rivilatomakoneen activity program. postal reporter Forays to the VV Poliakov. He developed a remote-controlled linotypekoneen. The invention is based on the idea to write the text telegraph use. The device is connected to the linotypelatomakoneeseen, and it is possible to typeset many machines at the same time, even if the machines are in different weights and cities. This is done by electro-mechanical control for line of the road. Poliakov the invention has been described in the 1931 Graphic Design Industry magazine.
1932: Leningradilainen postal reporter a precision machine shop manufactures the Soviet rivilatomakoneen Linotip a German license. Later, the factory specializes in small rotary printing machinery manufacture.
1932: Teletype-kaukoladonta Teletypesetter TTS into the United States for ten newspapers. The Scotsman in England in 1934 to use the system. The system is used by more than 1967 thousand journal in the world. Teletype system, printer punching a six-channel punched tape, which is transmitted to the transmitter and the text of a hole in the tape as a recordable receiver. Punched tape guides rivilatomakonetta, which typesets postal reporter the lines of 12-15 minutes.
1932: UK newspaper The Scotsman introduce Teletypesetterin join the London postal reporter office in the Edinburgh office. The Times later teletypesetterin to take forward its news magazine barn in the Houses of Parliament moon.
1935: The future songwriter Reino Daffy Reiska Vihtori Helismaa (Helenius 1934, an alternate name for translation Harvikari) (1913-65) postal reporter konelatojaharjoittelijaksi goes to his uncle's printing postal reporter house in Lahti, Finland. He uses a half-hour 6000 characters flawlessly postal reporter and is one of Finland's fastest konelatojia. Helismaa 1936 in Vyborg Karelia goes to the printers, and begins to write under the pseudonyms Masa Fire, Eemil Harsa and Rudi Frost continue reading all the reports on the leaves and the World of Adventures
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