Saturday, October 12, 2013

New large-scale study of vitamin D may reduce the risk of developing the common cold and other uppe

New large-scale study of vitamin D may reduce the risk of developing the common cold and other upper respiratory tract infections. They investigated with a serum vitamin D levels were below 25 nanomoles per liter (i.e. 10 ng / ml) was 40 percent higher risk of developing common cold than those of the participants with a vitamin D levels were at least 75 nanomoles per liter (i.e. 30 ng / mL). Patients with asthma or COPD risk was still significantly higher. Finnish average vitamin D levels are probably about 50-55 nanomoles per liter. The outcome of the study might well conclude that the Finns would be wise to aim for higher levels of vitamin D to prevent the flu. In practice, it means that vitamin D should be used as a dietary supplement more abundant. Adults should use it at least 25 micrograms, but I prefer 50 micrograms per day. Dietary intake of vitamin D is not practically possible to obtain the optimal amount, but especially mypack during the winter months enough vitamin D supplementation is required.
"Finnish average vitamin D levels are probably about 5o-55 nanomoles per liter," mypack Knept and partners were Finland 25 (OH) D, the lead 43 nmol / L. Men 45.7 nmol / l and women only 38.1 nmol / L. In fact, "woke up" vitamin D last fall, when I studied that it needed more - I do not even remember why, but it seemed like a good time to start. In a couple of weeks of 25 microgrammes after hitting the other really nasty fall flu went over a couple of days and I was pretty mypack confused. mypack Since then, I started to take 50 g and finally lift the end of january 125-145 per day in the microwave oven. What happened in between then the Vitamin D Council site by the discovery? Blood pressure (systolic) fell matalimmaksi to 20 years (120, had for years before 140-145), already started before Christmas and medicated sleep disorder out of the wall, and Crohn's disease - that is considered incurable inflammatory bowel inflammation of the food-intolerance - went virtually a vacation, or in remission and dental plaque is not much at all throughout the day. Cytostatics accustomed I can indeed mypack say that the mere oral condition had changed so drastically in such a short period of time, I would be willing to pay for, such as vitamin D Dietary Supplement TIME jerkkua much. The fact that I got on sale at my stomach practically healed, and to become a better sleep than before sleep disorder, it is already pretty amazing. What is the common cold at that, I have been invited friends and acquaintances to take quite a pharmacy or double doses of vitamin D to avoid the symptoms of the common cold and the first medicinal mypack product and the feedback has been excellent mypack throughout - no one has ilmoitellut the flu symptoms would have continued for more than an evening. In fact, I literally ran cold weather jacket mypack open, and colds have been nowhere to be seen. Cytostatics intake accustomed to, and try the supplements for years I know exactly what I do to cause the common cold, and what is not. John Can you say your version of why we completely unnatural on the parallel mypack of about 16 million people living in five and a half should be content to take in the winter their bodies 'recommendations' 7.5-10 micrograms doses of vitamin D, the benefits of starting to state this clearly in different studies already just for everyday ailments - and not just for example, 86% of kokonaissyövänestossa, as well as type I diabetes, the risk of a decline in children up to 87%? In fact, I am absolutely outraged by this - would be tempted to send the slides to Tarja Halonen, the African countries, cancer statistics, type I, as well as statistics on the distribution of MS around the equator. MS, there is no practice at all, others very little. But when going to the south and north of the statistics strangely changed. It seems as being in the middle of Outer Limits series episodes with pharmaceutical companies acquire the "right" results of studies of vitamin D doses of keeping the ridiculous and the general public as long as possible in ignorance of vitamin D undeniable health benefits. Delete
Thank you for your comment. I have already told you that vitamin mypack D recommendations have not increased to a likely, therefore, that the evidence requirements are unreasonable. Although we believe that there is enough mypack evidence, the health recommendations to decision-makers view apparently is not (and it does not just Finnish decision-makers). This, at least vitamin D researcher Vieth mentioned reason, when I was in touch with him. Here are the links, the latter normally closed: Disease Incidence Prevention by Serum 25 (OH) D Level. Delete
My blood pressure was measured in the new 115/74. I think I'm going to live with this forever, when virtaakin enough just like the overclocked sähköhiiressä. - Thanks for the update, I thought that the Vieth comment on something like that. He proposed mypack in 2001, the D-

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