Post retail seminar at the post office in Yogyakarta. PT Pos Indonesia announced a partnership to adaanya POSTsop program. 3 large program of PT Pos Indonesia is 1) POSTshop 2) e-comarce by establishing 3) Agent Post. The difference between them is: POST covering all good POS business courier services (send mail and goods) and financial post paket services (POSPAY). Good customer service coupled with menidirkan minimarket in the neighborhood post office. To revitalize the property and the post office building that on average there are in the business environment and strategic location. Making this POSTshop been started by PT Pos Indonesia by cooperating with partners to study retail business. As Indomaret, Alfamart, CK, and Coffetofe. Selanjutanya PT Pos Indonesia will partner with local partners and the establishment of self-owned outlets. To kemitraa Postshop in Indonesia will be handled a konultan retail partners, ie "Civilized Retail Indoneisia". For investors and prospective partners can deal directly with MRI. In the first stage will POSTshop founded with an area of between 30-50m square in the neighborhood post office. By paying attention to aesthetics and security services at the post office post office post paket tersebut.Kepala help to improve the performance post paket and safety of the POSTshop. Seminar retail Pos Indonesia Partner POSTshop menajukan renovation concepts and finance after approved post paket by the regional post offices. Partners also provide employees, equipment and goods dagagan. following several buildings PT Pos Indonesia, which has been in the renovation and at the post office can medernkan post paket founded POSTshop is a building that belongs to the post itself. Because there are few buildings still post rental. Post Office UNY Yogyakarta Jl Gejayan POSTshop lerning owned Babarsari Indomaret at the Post Office in Yogyakarta post paket
2014 (3) June (1) Partnership POSTshop Mei (1) March (1) 2013 (1) June (1) 2012 (4) September (3) June (1)
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