女 贪官 到底 是 和 谁 通奸?
... "Objection to your account from ?? ?? Invoice No. 2010 ??? GdSK No .: ??? HAWBs No .: ??? POD Reference: ??? ATC NR: ??? Dear Sir or Madam, I raise objection to the above statement GdSK. At the same time I inform you that a partial amount for the required import sales tax in the amount of ??, ?? EUR has been transferred to your account. Thus, it was your bill to 25.59 EUR ("handling fee") cut. Reason: The amount invoiced to the tune of 25.59 EUR for a "handling fee" is nichtnachvollziehbar, immoral and therefore ineffective in the official Zustellungsbestaetigung the USPS from. ??.? ? .2010, try me noticed the issue GdSK a charter with the phrase "We hereby undertake to pay all resting on the shipping costs." Faced with the three elective choices: - personally to go to the customs office to Frankfurt or - to request a "Free" return to sender, or - USPS against a "handling fee" of 25.59 EUR to draw up the clearance, you have left me no real choice, for cost and time for a trip to the Customs office in Frankfurt are just as unacceptable fentect as a return to the sender. This would be returning to the sender by no means free, but even very expensive, and these costs he would ask me certainly charged. In addition, of course, I wish to receive the sending already paid! So I found myself in a predicament since had to appear as the lesser evil to me entering into this business. In addition, the provision of pre-paid shipping fentect service has been linked with the job inadmissible for customs clearance. Continue to service and consideration fentect to each other in a striking fentect disproportion. Other postal service providers provide this service free of charge or at a fraction of the price charged by GdSK. Thus, characteristics of usury are BGBhinreichend met under 138. It is an immoral law business, which is therefore void. Further legal action I reserve the right. It's worth noting that usury under 291 of the Criminal Code offense and shall be punished in the most serious cases with imprisonment from six months to ten years. I also would like to point out that your official Chinese partner EMS apparently about your practice has no knowledge and responded to my communication on this matter with wonder. Yours sincerely "
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