Tuesday, January 13, 2015

7. Route of breakthrough boldly proceeding with its task. Immediately. You will succeed, the more t

The "Handbook of Tarot" of Hajo Bantshaf included an additional method for clarifying the nature of any watch that I find extremely useful and I wish to share it for those who do not have the book.
No matter how many cards is used by mistake, finally get the numbers of all cards that you have downloaded, such as Aces count as 1, and the palace cards are not considered. The resulting number reduced to a single digit, which ultimately is the key to retrieve your key message of this arrangement. The significance of these keys is the following:
2. Route of love, patience, expectation and intuition Not so fast! Give it time to mature. Have patience and be alert: intuition will tell you when to act. Do not fall into the power of illusory dreams - do not be diverted from the road.
3. Route of the New Birth, fex growth path detection Get new world of God. Let him grow up. Create a new situation, strengthen their new habits and experience. Here is the main creative approach. But be prepared to test and "travail". And do not take upon ourselves too much weight, fex to avoid confusion.
4. Route of sobriety, clarity and range Look at the situation soberly. Enter the order in it. Clarity. Accomplished what you thought. Realize their potential. But seeks more and more to "upgrade" already good and not stop in the middle of the road.
5. Route of spiritual knowledge Do your best to understand the hidden, deeper meaning of your situation. Find the relationship between things that seemingly have nothing to do. Listen to good advice. Feel credibility: priest - this is the map of protection, harmonizing any situation. Avoid lies and hypocrisy.
6. Way of love and finally choosing Make choices: yes, I will live with this person will be doing this work, I'll fex go down this path. Reject fex all doubts and accept this man, this work etc. such as they are. Take them! And do not let the hatred and jealousy that they possessed. Do not become a victim.
7. Route of breakthrough boldly proceeding with its task. Immediately. You will succeed, the more that you go so that you can handle and you can avoid friction and conflict. Just do not vazgordeesh.
8. Route of honesty and objectivity (here the author using the card Justice VIII as Arkan, instead of power, hence interpretation) Do your best to get as more objective picture of their situation. Weigh all "for" and "against" and consider what can be done. Play fair. Watch none of the participants (you too) can not be "stooge". Avoid biased, one-sided and the forcible imposition of your will.
9. Route of meditation and asceticism Mini aside. Bemused to yourself. Give yourself time to crystallize in your soul the most important. Not kidnapping minutiae. Focus on your goal. Do not be angry. Do not be sad and do not be afraid of the new.
To me these brief synthesized meanings help me very much when I ordering more cards and finally lose the basic idea. I'll be glad if you apply and share, if and when you work.
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