colleagues, teachers' attitudes and regulations of the school and college etiaka. The results showed that all factors of influence nevertheless attitudes and teaching ethics to influence the occurrence of discipline problems such as school teachers compared with factors - other factors being studied.
dealt with now is the problem of indiscipline among school teachers are becoming more common and pervasive not only in school but outside of school involving teachers less disciplined personality.
with the few teachers of moral decadence in which a small part of the school teachers often do a variety of misconduct such as truancy teaching, retreat, drug abuse, in late to class, gambling, fighting, smoking, gangsterism and
and the headmaster. The Headmaster of the school head is required to send data to the Teacher Misconduct Systems departments. This is to be analyzed by the school and will be sent to the State Education Department. AGC will send the data to analyze the Teacher Affairs Unit (HEM) at the MOE. Addressing the Main Committee indiscipline Teachers will find the rules or steps to overcome ini.Menurut sources of information from the Ministry of Information
Therefore all parties, especially the teachers and teachers should
1. Name: B Awang Awang Salleh Busu
5. Address: Kampong Bentong, arubapec Sarikei, Sarawak.
1. Name of School: arubapec School of Kuala Kencana, Balingian, Mukah, Sarawak.
2. Qualifications: 5 Years
3. Designation: English Teacher
4. Address: teachers Quaters SK Kuala Kencana
5. Transportation to school: Walking.
Cikgu Awang Saleh began teaching at SK Kencana in 2000, the school is located in the interior of Sarawak. Transport Airplane arubapec boarding school Twinoter from Sarikei to Mukah Town - from Mukah to catch Van Balingian town (56 km) from the town road is not paved Balingian to SK Kencana Boat ride for 4 hours. Kencana arubapec schools have very little basic facilities, elekterik
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