Friday, May 23, 2014

Rente gesetzliche (state japan post pension) About that deductions from wages in the state pension

HANDBOOK 2013 PART TWO or total change in all spheres of German burghers | Magazine Neue Zeiten
In the January issue we talked about the fact that never before in the history of postwar Germany German philistine occurs to such an avalanche of innovation, which he will of legislators, government and business elite is forced to survive in the current 2013 year. Placing these changes in alphabetical order, japan post we got to the letter F and stopped on the word Fuererschein. Now continue the discussion of innovations, starting with the letter L.
Langzeitarbeitslose und andere japan post Sozialhilfeempfaenger (unemployed and other recipients of social benefits) On January 1, 2013th japan post unemployment benefit Alg II will increase by 8 euros for the head and a second member of the family (as well as single family), 7 euros for living together parents with a child from 18 to 24 years, 2 euros for teenagers between 14 to 17, at 4 euros for children from 7 to 13 years and 5 euros for children 6 - years. Algorithm growth of unemployment benefits under the law Hartz IV (Arbeitslosengeld II) Beneficiaries 01.01.05 01.07.07 01.07.08 01.07.09 01.01.11 01.01.12 01.01.13 An adult head of household or single family 345 * 347 ** 351 359 364 374 382 residing with the head of the family or other adult partner cohabiting person 311 312 315 323 328 337 345 An adult under 24-minute full years, that does not lead his own farm, as living japan post together with others (it can go, such as adult children) - 281 *** 287 **** 291 299 306 teenagers from 14 to 17 years 207 278 281 287 287 287 289 **** children from 7 to 13 years 207 208 211 251 251 251,255 children under the age of 6 years 207 208 211 215 215 219 224 * The amount of benefits in the eastern federal states was equal to 331 EUR, which was contrary japan post to the Constitution of Germany ** 1st of July of 2007, a single amount of benefit was introduced on the entire territory of the Federal Republic *** Children from 18 to 24 years old, living japan post with parents **** Children from 14 to 24 years old, living with parents Compiled table: Edward Marmer and also a basic security in old age (Grundsicherung im Alter) increase by 8 euros for the head and a second family member.
Porto (postage) On January 1 of 2013 increased the price of some postal services. The cost of a standard letter (Standartbrief) increased from 0.55 to 0.58 euros, while the so-called Maxibrief - c 2,20 to 2.40 euros. Risen as sending books and packages (see table). In addition, significant changes have occurred in the service sector of international postal services. For example, the price of the so-called Kompaktbrief International rose from 1.45 to 1.50 euros. Other changes can be studied online Deutsche Post:
Praxisgebuehr (quarterly medical fee) From the 1st of January this year canceled put into effect eight years ago hated quarterly fees for visiting medical praxis japan post (Praxisgebuehr). According to preliminary estimates of experts cancellation of requisitions may lead to loss of 2 billion euros, which will be reimbursed by the sickness funds of compulsory health insurance fund (Gesundheitsfond).
Rente gesetzliche (state japan post pension) About that deductions from wages in the state pension fund (gesetzliche Rentenversicherung) are reduced from 1 January 2013th japan post from 19.6 to 18.9%, we already mentioned in the last issue. Add the same should definitely include this year age limit retirement (Anhebung der Regelaltersgrenze) has been growing for two months compared to the old 65-year-old. That is the one who was born in 1948, may not retire before the day when he will be 65 years and two months. The following year, this barrier japan post will increase by one month in 2014, for another, and so on (see table). This transition from 'pensions 65 "to" 67 pension "completed in 2031, the year when on a holiday will be able to leave those born in 1964. And another new addition japan post this year. Employed are now exempt from tax (steuerlich absetzen) not 48%, and 52% of its total annual payments to the state pension fund. Trifle, of course, but nice ...
Rundfunkgebuehr, or GEZ-Gebuehr (duty on public television japan post and radio broadcasting) On January 1 of 2013 on State exaction japan post and broadcasting (Rundfunkgebuehr) in the amount japan post of 17.98 euros charged japan post GEZ'om (GebuehrenEinzugsZentrale) from each household economy (Haushalt) or firm (Arbeitsstaette), regardless of the number of devices. In other words, the editors Neue Zeiten , which operate 10 with the internet access computers, is obliged to transfer quarterly GEZ-Zentrale the same amount as on the staff of Sergei O. having only one home Laptop, or some private person - Frau Mueller, at a cat

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