The government us post office change of address to grant a license to a teacher us post office change of address DG 41 and DG 48 politics undoubtedly has positive and negative effects. Among the reasons given is that teachers are the most respected by the community and can play an important role in the political scenario of the country. However, the truth is not surprising that over the years even among teachers who are active in politics either party of any kind whatsoever.
In order to uphold the state's education system, teachers' involvement in politics will only add to the existing problems in education. The problem - the problem is not yet solved such as illiteracy, truancy, bullying, vandalism, hooliganism, mat rempit, students who are pregnant out of wedlock, drugs, smoking, ecstacy pills and a myriad outstanding problems need special attention from teachers, especially teachers / principals.
In the present problem was not solved let alone when teachers - teachers who get involved in politics requires a commitment of time regardless of the time. Problems such as lack of focus and commitment to the school would arise if teachers are involved in political activities. Therefore, I think political involvement in mendatakan more harm than good in the education system might even be profitable to a political party.
The Government has amended the Regulations of the Public Officers (Conduct and Conduct) Act 1993 to enable the Graduate Education us post office change of address Service Officers (teachers) Grade DG41 to DG48 to be active in politics since August 1, 2010. This means that 190,000 teachers nationwide authorized us post office change of address graduate contest, appointed or hold office in any political party. This announcement was made by the Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan. This announcement has been mentioned in BH ONLINE article dated July 28, 2010 duly welcomed with positive us post office change of address thoughts.
Malaysians understand that tugsa school teachers has become increasingly challenging. Delinquency school was frightening. Fights, sex, children out of wedlock, drugs, bullying, intimidation and all sorts of problems these young teens are in school now. Parents are becoming restless with the developments. Changing educational policies also increase the burden on teachers. Undeniably good education must always be responsive to the changing times but the intended changes are sometimes not profitable us post office change of address any party except the cronies only such issues Teaching of Science and Mathematics in English (PPSMI).
Policy decisions are made hastily finally had repealed by involving loss of millions of dollars of public money. The policies that have weakened this burden many teachers. Finally, the teachers had to work in skolah, from drafting of teaching us post office change of address school administration until the task of sending students back home abdominal pain was their responsibility. Provision of education has been cut by the government also have their burden. This certainly us post office change of address adds another task of seeking us post office change of address funding school teachers to meet the needs of the school. Responsibilities of a teacher nowadays is like rojak. The question is whether the role of politics is not to be allowed to add to the burden already borne?
Official duties of the school us post office change of address is to develop young people into the handy man. There are already other tasks such as social, political, economic side of their job. Meaning if the task has been completed can educate them concentrate other things. Teachers grades DG45 to DG48 of teachers are involved us post office change of address with the school administration for example Heads of, Senior and Principal of his own. This means that the teacher is already available heavy grades in school. If they are involved in politics there is no option unless they are forced to leave the responsibility of the school us post office change of address administration. Good teachers in schools will be the responsibility of the administration.
If they have been involved in the politics of the administrative work of the school was evacuated. This vacancy will hurt schools, us post office change of address teachers, students and
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