Monday, March 16, 2015

1. The electronic document capture essence of electronic documents covering their digitization and

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Each company meets daily with both paper and digital correspondence; with budgets, invoices, fax messages, contracts, delivery notes, e-mails, business analysis, etc. As a result a number of internal and external correspondence, the mountains of documents, lying under the drawers, the number of binders, by e-drawers interlink express servants and elsewhere.
Inadequately controlled and business records represents both one of the major business inconvenience, because we all too often spend too much time searching for specific information or data contained in the documents, or worse still, I do not find the document, which would have come very handy in their work. Because of this remains a lot of knowledge and very useful information that is stored in document completely useless. Not to mention the fact that it is unregulated business documents on top of everything still difficult to manage and monitor from prying eyes. If a company wishes to seek answers to question such as: how the most efficient way to access the documents, how to speed up the flow and absorption of information contained in business documents, how to get the right information at the right time, how to reduce operating costs, incurred as a result of disordered or incorrectly stored business documents, it must ensure the efficient handling of documents. In fact, there is no effective system for managing documents (Document Management System - DMS), which provides faster throughput of documents, effective access to documents and information the moment you need them, and their systematic interlink express archiving, difficult to control a multitude of documents in the company.
Systems interlink express for electronic document management bring in addition to improving the operational efficiency of the employees more benefits by managing paper documents does not know: enabled full control and traceability of documents. Eliminated the photocopying and physical delivery of documents to different people in different locations. Allows you to easily display and viewing of documents, as well as simultaneous vpogledovanje. Since the documents interlink express are digitized and because they are located on the server via the web interface accessible anytime and from anywhere (even geographically remote users). Working with documents is simplified, interlink express searching for documents interlink express and information is extremely quick and easy. It is possible to secure archiving large volumes of documents. Can be determined more or different levels of access rights of users. We do not need extra space to store documents.
For all these advantages are document management systems undoubtedly the right solution for those business environments where we need to manage large volumes of documents and unstructured information, while ensuring an audit trail, security access and minimize the time needed for each operation, which requires working with documents . Basically, a system for document management (DMS) divided into three subsets:
electronic document capture - capture (scan) paper documentation - Optical Character Recognition - classification of documents - Indexing - Verification interlink express (final inspection of the acquired data)
In general it can be said, therefore, to provide a system for electronic document management easy to scan, capture, and classification of documents, control over them and secure archiving. Since the market has both management systems and systems for document archiving and therefore, by reason of similar functionality interlink express confuses many users, it is necessary to draw attention to the essential differences between the two systems. The function of the electronic capture and archiving of documents can be performed completely independent system. You can also performs the said system as a basic subsystem in an integrated Document Management interlink express System. The main difference between the two systems is that the document interlink express management systems not limited to scanning and archiving of documents but also enable the creation, interlink express editing, publishing, distribution and use of controlled electronic (eg. Office) documents that are incurred as a result of team collaboration by several users.
1. The electronic document capture essence of electronic documents covering their digitization and classification of documents according to the type and purpose. The process includes documents can be divided into several phases and

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