Saturday, October 11, 2014

Representative Faruj: Census usps hold mail opportunity to complete a rural location

Islamic usps hold mail Republic News Agency - Deputy Vzyrartbatat: 80 new network service, has launched its e
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Facebook Twitter Google+ Cloob Vice Vzyrartbatat: 80 new network service, has launched its e Shiraz Ayrna- Deputy Minister of Information Communications and Technology usps hold mail of the Islamic Republic of Iran Post Company Vmdyraml said 10 services and 80 new service has been launched usps hold mail which will soon be on the net posts will be unveiled.
According to IRNA Wednesday evening Hossein Mehri counted among reporters in Shiraz, stating that arrangements have already been set up to provide the service and maintenance of new terms: as soon as a pilot project in the province of these services launched. He added that these projects will increase the speed, accuracy and quality services usps hold mail with reduced costs considered after the pilot implementation and resolution of deficiencies usps hold mail will be implemented in the whole country. Mehri said, referring to the acceptance of software design in the new services, the company's software is designed to pass on the full Postal Service Azmrhlh agree to distribute the software and follow usps hold mail the couriers employed by the people usps hold mail Cheyenne. Vice President of Information Technology Vzyrartbatat said device also equipped to deliver a new program Vmrsvlat post in the country in which the person can see the fingerprints Postal Mrsvlh transferee. usps hold mail He added that the project has purchased 400 units of which 25 units have been allocated to the province. M as follows: For the first time in the country's second usps hold mail Aznymh year pilot project to distribute to customers will be charged a late penalty. He said recently removed Plan dies at 14 in Tehran Postal Executive that has good effects. usps hold mail CEO Posts Islamic Republic said three thousand 500 million dollars of losses accumulated 92 posts until the new projects of the company, the rate decreases. Another part of his Azskhnan Mehri said the Islamic Republic usps hold mail of Iran Post Company in the first four months of this year 220 million Mrsvlh displaces this post couriers employed, while the 18 and a half percent growth this year. He said that in two years the country Azanzva mail out good and growth usps hold mail is stated to have increased 25 percent this year, the country with the most expensive postal services sector increased by 15 per cent post couriers employed by a foreign. Another part of the Azskhnan usps hold mail Khvdazafh M: E is widely used in developed countries where per capita usps hold mail use of seven and two tenths Azpst country that made this year's plan will amount to 9 percent. He added that 50 percent usps hold mail of the world average per capita mail our country from numerous international standards. Vice President of Information Technology Vzyrartbatat by stating that e-government is meaningless without a post saying online usps hold mail dealing is commonplace in the world of three dimensions of online stores, payment of transportation of goods in our country shipping cost Vdryaft done by mail . Another part of his Azskhnan Mehri said all mail up to 50 million dollars in insured deposit Vdrbkhsh basic insurance amount is 100 dollars while If you have received this valuable Mrsvlh mailing, mailing Mrsvlh insurance commensurate with the value of the goods carried. He said while the company's four year post Fars three million compensation paid to our clients. Mehri said: The first four months of this year, 11 thousand usps hold mail 600 posts Province Mrsvlh moved that five thousand and six thousand and 130 out of 600 Mrsvlh of Mrsvlh entered Ast.k / 2 7382/667/1859
Representative Faruj: Census usps hold mail opportunity to complete a rural location
................................................................................................................................................................................................ The Islamic Republic News Agency Email: All Rights usps hold mail Reserved by Islamic Republic of Iran and the use of open source content.

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