Sunday, December 8, 2013

According ginfo to a number of other obstetricians, who often wound sewing born vaginally or perine

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Previously, the concept of the elderly, women of childbearing absolute abstinence after bathing and shampooing at least 30 days after birth. Today, according to the obstetrics and gynecology, bathing the postpartum abstinence is incorrect and unscientific. Invite the parent to learn more about proper hygiene and body after birth offline.
According Obstetricians ginfo Phan Van Tham, about 4-6 weeks after birth, the genitalia of women will return to normal. Meanwhile, uterine contractions continue to push lochia (blood sweat) out. At this time, the bacteria are easy to penetrate outside the uterus through the genital tract, along with the existing bacteria lurking in the vagina, giving the uterus becomes very favorable environment to cause infection vagina. Vulvar hygiene after birth is very important.
Cleaning the vulva area at least 3 times / day in the morning, afternoon and evening before going to bed. If translated into many products, so women toilet more often. The tape, toilet paper, towels, and wash water must be clean, it's best to use boiled water or warm water. You can use a sanitizing solution ginfo to dilute antiseptic ginfo wash. After washing is complete, use the towel to dry ...
During childbirth, women body secretes more sweat, the need for clean bathing. Especially in the hot summer sun, sweat a lot, so long bath, body as dirty, ginfo as easily contaminated, dangerous for both mother and baby.
According to Detective doctors, women can bathe the entire body 3-4 days after birth. When bathing, bathe fast from 5-10 minutes, so not a bath or in pots (especially should not soak in water). Bathrooms should have airtight tub with warm water and whether hot or cold outside. The shower to dry off real fast and tight clothing neck, arms and legs. Women with previous caesarean ginfo or episiotomy, should be careful ginfo to avoid injury to inflate only slip bond.
Also from 3-4 days after birth, women can wash it but should call first for fast and wipe dry fast, it is best to use a hair dryer to dry. No bathing ginfo at the same time, which should reach 9-10 bath and shampoo in the morning or afternoon at noon to avoid prolonged contact with water, to avoid becoming dizzy and could fall due to increased activity and bowed long. Bathing after birth: Diets that correct?
Readers Thanh Thuy (Ninh Binh) said: "The lady, newborn babies were 1 week but still groping to go online to consult the sisters here. The thing is this, sir, from the day before my birth mother has told us that immigrants have to be careful of postpartum abstinence is abstinence bath. She told me she was not born the day before the diet is so miserable now by painful limbs, poor visibility and health severely ginfo weakened. I heard the mother should also worried the abdomen and will have to abstain from bathing, shampooing a month after birth. "
However, ginfo readers of this my husband exclaimed, "My God, how time and that she was so old-fashioned. ginfo Bath comfortably go, how to abstain, abstain foreigners none at all. Only as her new home who abstain overly so. I do this here, Titus finished laying next day before the shower always, now that there's okay. " ginfo
Talk to us, obstetrician ginfo Master Vu Ngoc Khanh (Bach Mai Hospital) said: "According ginfo to the folk conception, women should abstain finished showering birth to 3 months rather short as 1 month as the mother of readers say where. However, in the West can not abstain from anything. The material on obstetric teaching in medical schools now also follow the syllabus Western diet does not have anything to say. "
Dr. Khanh, who need to shower after washing hygiene to keep your body clean. "However, in case of a caesarean section ginfo to avoid washing or bathing water melted into the wound, can not abstain from cutting by only 5-7 days. And the shampoo does not affect incision is okay. As for the student often can shower, wash normal, "Dr. Khanh emphasized. ginfo
According ginfo to a number of other obstetricians, who often wound sewing born vaginally or perineal hygiene is noteworthy to not cause infections. Do not use disinfectants that can be washed with salt water or potassium permanganate. However, diluted potassium permanganate should e

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