Monday, July 14, 2014

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Milk - good or bad? | Gauranga - Veedalik Kitchen
Modern fedex express is a place to have a majority of their disagreement, thanks to the media today, it can be done in the broader repercussions. Exception here is not the milk and dairy products. Certainly, there are many information come to think someone is downright harmful to human milk, the so-called science has been proven in both the usefulness and harmfulness. Perhaps quite a common principle: if there is a need to prove something, then it is done. For example, in the UK has increased the number of people who are physically fedex express active, at the same time has also increased the number of heart conditions. The simple conclusion: physical activity is harmful to the heart :-)
But what says the world's oldest written research on milk? Ayurveda does not have milk in neither a positive nor a negative position. It all depends fedex express on each person's body type and re-balance the body. However, it can bring out some of the key moments that you should know about consuming milk. Although Ayurvedic they are available in 8 different varieties of milk, then in this case we are talking about only cow's fedex express milk, which is considered the most valuable.
First: According to Ayurvedic milk has a very important role in our overall diet. Obviously, everyone knows that the cow is a sacred animal in India, and not by accident. Vedas describes milk as a food ingredient that nourishes all the seven types of cells, including even the most subtle of brain cells, which in turn is necessary for life beyond just understanding the objectives.
Your taste (rasa) is a milk sweet (Madhur) and the Vedas they are all naturally sweet foods virtuous (sattva) properties. Milk adds to the body of our brook, which has a very important role in the Ayurvedic style. Ojas is the most granular level of the substance that our body produces metabolic processes. He gives us a strong immune system, fedex express mental strength, joy and a sense of satisfaction. According to Ayurveda our soul leaves the body when the body can no longer produce brook. fedex express Milk has its own characteristics for cooling. Milk adds to our body kaphat fedex express (land and water element), while reducing vatat and pittat (ether, air, fire). Kapha is associated with the formation of mucus in the body, and anything hard. Here it is also important that raw milk is indigestible by Ayurvedic.
The latter is the milk in a heavy body obtained by the fact why many people have problems with milk consumption. Ayurveda gives valuable advice here: We should never drink unboiled milk out. According to the recommendations of the milk to boil and then cook at low boil for at least 5 minutes. Recommendations have been made to add the boiling water. In such a case, the 1 parts of water and part of the milk and the water is boiled off until auranud. You should fedex express never drink cold milk. Cold milk is exacerbated by his heavy intake. Good does not drink milk in the morning when seedetuli (Agni) fedex express is still weak. The best time for a cup of warm milk just before bedtime, especially in vata and pitta human body figure. Kaphad should limit their consumption of milk in general. Milk is a useful add flavors that help the body to acquire him better. These substances are: turmeric, ginger, cardamom and saffron. More is also mentioned in cinnamon and black pepper. Tastes fedex express can be placed in a separate, but, if desired, be combined. Very well suited for the milk (especially in the evening) ghii and honey. However, in order to follow along with the use of honey and ghii that they would not be the same - one of them should be in the second half. It is important to know that the milk is not compatible with a wide range of food products, and therefore it is best to be consumed completely independently. Here are a few foods, which occurs in our body by drinking milk with the AMA, which is simply speaking toxins, which can not cope with the elimination of the organism, and that is all our diseases by Ayurvedic cause. So, for example, should not drink milk with a diet of meat, fruits hapude, as well as tomato and cucumber and banana. Suitable for milk, cereals generally agreed enumuse.
Modern Ayurvedic doctoral researchers also point out that, according to Ayurvedic story goes from fresh milk, which is not pasteurized and homogenised. Ideally, you should drink untreated milk, as early as 6 hours after milking, the milk will change the characteristics of the 10 hours after it has actually been unwelcome. Here, of course, fedex express also talks about how the cows are treated fedex express today, what substances they entered, but this is a separate issue.
Of course, today is hard to get the milk that meets these ideal conditions, but as has been seen, we do ourselves a great deal to make us a valuable food so readily available a.
"Vedas" ovenproof Ayurveda burfi chatni dhal dosha ghii the modes Halava peas Hinduism in India Kapha kapsahautis potato dish Body Type passion for cookery candy Krishna Laddu sweet dessert sweets semolina pakora paneer paniir peppers milk Pitta porgandikotletid rasa appetizers zucchini vegetarian winter recommendations ignorance tipikaste Cake vata spend the kitchen fedex express round or
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