Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Concerning the fourth record, Mayor also stated inaccurate claims. I asked for the minutes of the r

Home AUDIO SURVEY: ĐULA RUŠINOVIĆ-SUNARA and psychiatrists Miroslav GORETA / HOW STATE ATTORNEY'S OFFICE OF CROATIAN PERFORM THE GENOCIDE OF CROATIAN PEOPLE AND OTHER CITIZENS OF CROATIAN FORMER JUDGE AND ANTE Unković JULIJANA STIPIŠIĆ, THROUGH MUNICIPAL COURT SPLIT enforcer who does not exist / IC-362 usps tracking number / 08 Parallel Justice SAO USKOK PUSD - administrative fees and II police station Split Traffic Split Zagreb Holding Ltd. Raiffeisenbank Austria dd, Croatian media
In related arrests in the second police station in Split, shall be accompanied by two letters / responses, of which the first letter is forged official documents in accordance with Article and paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code and the other is official evidence that other police officers police station Split come by invitation Traffic Split Ltd., as "security guards" in terms of the illegal collection usps tracking number of tickets in public transport buses, in what sense onwards , police officers take action identifying passengers who did not pay the ticket and that they are not even required to pay, by any Croatian law.
Since this is a response to the request for information, the answer had to submit exclusively usps tracking number officer informing PUSD, in accordance with the Freedom of Information and not the Mayor Zoran Petricevic nor any other police officer. So, given chief here appears unauthorized role in informing officials. (See above, Article 13 of the Law on Freedom of Information)
1st Letter no classification or registration number. usps tracking number Without these numbers, you can not make an entry on this answer zzpi in the official register of the requirements, procedures and decisions on the right to access information. (See Regulations on the official register, above.)
2nd Number: 511-12-01-101/5-2013 which is labeled letter has nothing to do with the Freedom of access usps tracking number to information, nor does the administrative procedure ao any claim made herein. Correspondence usps tracking number from the administrative procedure must be disseminated to users / customers in postal envelopes on which he indicated "administrative usps tracking number procedure". However envelope in which the letter was delivered to the most ordinary registered mail, which is inserted into the inbox as ordinary mail so no receipt. This is all to my detriment, because now I can not apply for supplement information (within 15 days of receipt of the response).
3rd Chief false claims that PUSD / II pp split does not control the information on the name and surname of the disputed employees / supervisors in the yellow jacket. It was a police officer with a written survey of personal data from the controller, which is also called the police and they also had to do under Article 30, paragraph 1. 6 of the Law on Police Duties and powers. (See article above). The policeman said he would give me the "after" data on the controller, whatever that means, but it looks like it "later" actually "never". When Mayor Petricevic says that "this body does not control the information", does that mean that PUSD and II pp split destroyed data collected in the field, when this survey?
Concerning the fourth record, Mayor also stated inaccurate claims. I asked for the minutes of the reasons that make a statement on the circumstances privođenjau connection with the illegal collection of tickets in public transport, usps tracking number by Traffic. (Traffic on the other hand is not authorized to call the police because someone does not have an identity card. This is not a matter of traffic. usps tracking number Police was not to get the invitation controller usps tracking number for unpaid tickets. Accordingly, no it is true that I brought to the station just because I have an ID card, but I brought you did not pay the ticket usps tracking number that I was obliged to pay therefore the check for my identity.)
1st Mayor Sinisa Mihanović is almost entirely true described the event, which is, if I'm not mistaken, the first time in my case / at all, ever, that a police officer / chief described the situation as it is essential. Zanemariću fact that I was about 20 minutes usps tracking number at the station and not nearly the same hour as stated. Ok, let it be an hour, it does not matter.
And only that, Chief Mihanović not right that refers to the provision of paragraph 1 of the 30th. T.11. Law on Police Duties and powers. (See article, above.) Specifically, I Kilobytes Split Ltd. I have not committed any offense and the controller did not have a legal basis to call the police / item 7 of the same article / and neither police had no legal basis for actions in terms of verifying my identity. But, however, I believe usps tracking number that Chief II, pp. Split, Mihanović was not required to know the legal issues of Traffic and there dotičnome nothing to say. But because all the previous and current Chief PUSD, as well as Minister of the Interior of Croatia had to be familiar with how to Traffic "operates". They had to know the line of duty. I know. Zn

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