Friday, April 11, 2014

Finally, ups some large part in Hitler show remaining completely indifferent. ups Their interests l

A very symbolic photograph reproduced below this post just go around the web. It was taken in June 1936 in Hamburg during the inauguration presided over by Adolf Hitler a military training vessel, the Horst Wessel. It shows a dense crowd to the Nazi salvation except one man scowling face and arms crossed over his chest openly. ups This refractory named August Landmesser. It was, as its original ups Jewish wife Irma Eckler, accused of "dishonor the race." Some time after the shot, the couple was arrested by the Gestapo and deported and did not survive the persecution. Examine neighbors August Landmesser outstretched arms and try to guess their motivations to measure the force required to publicly express his hostility to Nazism. Many, like this father obviously enthusiastic salute Sieg Heil Hitler bellow and simply under pressure from the surrounding crowd. Succeed in not screaming in a stage after a goal the scoreboard is already ups difficult. Also how, during a grand ceremony, do not be in unison with a group unanimous in appearance? The effect was enhanced by crowd control by the Nazi apparatus organizing this type of event. The staging of the achievements of the regime was to wash the humiliation of the defeat of 1918 and the Treaty of Versailles too harsh for. This militia uniform, like many others, raises his stripes and welcomes the launching of a warship bypassing disclaimers rearmament imposed by the Allies, a revered leader and the promise of greatness soon recovered. Unfortunately for aspiring dictators, ups enlist battalions low as supporters is not enough. The majority of the population is somewhat manipulated, nothing beats a good campaign of terror and denunciation to ensure docility. And this brave man, by participating in this ignoble farce ensures tranquility and his family. In the short term, it has nothing to fear from Nazi henchmen. But his gesture - approximate angle of the arm, thumb separated ups from the rest of the hand, gaze to the ground - reveals his discomfort or shame. What a contrast ups to the quiet refusal ups to August Landmesser few rows behind! One knew, was able to overcome his fear, the other not. For some Germans, little sisters themselves, successive cuts of their nation could only be the fruit sneaky internal and determined enemies, emphasizing their individual rather than collective welfare interest. This man, hat and shirt spotless, ups whose arm is stretched to breaking ups towards Hitler, proudly claims membership in a community betrayed but being rebuild its strength and unity. For such a fanatic, all against the dogma symbolic threat of a German uniform and domineering people - Jews, the disabled, homosexuals, communists, ups socialists, Freemasons, men of faith, foreign ... - deserved contempt and punishment. The fear of low or different is a very paradoxical individual frailty brand. Such people are easy to reassure and lead, firstly, providing simplistic explanations demonizing the object of their resentment, integrating them to achieve common rites. The list is long causes of ethnic, political or religious who have used the same techniques of manipulation: Fascists, Bolsheviks, Khmer Rouge, Rwanda genocide, fundamentalists of all kinds ... The economic crisis and hyperinflation have precipitated the fall of the Weimar Republic. Many Germans supported, passively or actively, Hitler in the hope of getting work. August Landmesser, himself, ups had joined the Nazi party to strengthen its work in Hamburg. These workers are clearly satisfied with their lot. Building sailboats school decided by Hitler revived activity shipyard Blohm & Voss. Their salvation, sometimes close up fist union is a reverence to the system that gave the German economy running, even so suicidal.
Finally, ups some large part in Hitler show remaining completely indifferent. ups Their interests lie elsewhere ups and they are not fooled by the Nazi bombast. All ceremonial ups does not seem to relate, they prefer to talk and smile while gently waving the Führer. This chuckle, just behind ups August Landmesser, sounds tragically wrong. ups The late Pierre Desproges could say that we can laugh at everything but probably ups not anytime ... your Contemporarily August Landmesser refusing to Nazi hello at the inauguration of the ship Horst Wessel by Adolf Hitler 13 June 1936 in Hamburg, Germany. Click on image to view larger format.
- The quoted

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